Thursday, January 21, 2016

Six Reasons Why you Should Drink Cucumber Water

Plain water can be boring or flavorless, diet soda is bad for you in every way possible and lemon water can damage your teeth. What i'm trying to say is water with fresh fruit slices is the best way to go! 

Here are six reasons you should drink cucumber water regularly!
1. It doesn't have tons of calories. On average a whole cucumber is about 40 calories so adding a few slices to your water is not going to do any harm. 
2. It is good for your skin!  Cucumbers have silica and antioxidants which help keep your skin clear and young looking. 
3. It's good for your muscles. The silica they contain help grow your muscles
4.     You will want to drink more. Since it has more taste then just plain water you ,ight like it enough to just drink all the time 

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